Vente d’atelier / Studio Sale

Vente d’atelier 
 Studio Sale

Karen Trask & Paul Litherland

Renouvellement de l’hypothèque ! Augmentation des taxes municipales !

Produit Rien fait une levée de fonds!

Le 17 mars,       17 h à 19 h Venez nous voir!
18 et 19 mars,   13 h à 18 h

PRODUIT RIEN, 6909 rue Marconi, Montréal, QC H2S 3K2

Vente d’atelier – Prix approximatifs et possiblement négociables
e-transfert, cash et square pay acceptés

Quelques exemples :

Œuvres d’art Karen Trask
Petites œuvres encadrées (8 x 10″ à 11 x 14″ environ) 100$ – 150 +tx
Œuvres encadrées (16x 20″ à 24 x 36″)                     300$                       
Tirages non encadrés                                                         150$  – 200$
Tirages d’essai                                                                      10$ – 20$
Sélection d’œuvres à donner                                            ?/don

Œuvres d’art Paul Litherland
Femme, rocher, chien, 2006                                         295$ +tx
Coupe aztèque, 2006                                                        295$
Autoportrait comme loup, 2006                                  295$
Diesel Queen, 1993 / 2006 encadré                             395$
B-Side Ellen Gallery Series 2014                                  75$ – 250$
B-Side Agnes Etherington Series 2019                      200$ – 600$
Photos non encadrées 30 x 40 sur vinyle mat         50$
Photos non encadrées 16 x 20 sur papier coton      50$
Peintures non encadrées 24 x 36                                   125$
Impressions variés 8 x 10                                                  10$
Matériel de photographie
Appareil photo à pellicule Nikon F100 –
l’avance film ne fonctionne pas                                              25$
Manfrotto AutoPole                                                                      30$
2 lampes tungstène Smith Victor avec réflecteurs et ampoules       30$
Parapluies pour la photographie                                                 0$-10$
Petit sac pour appareil photo                                                      4$
Boîte à lumière pour photographier des bijoux, etc.           25$
Papier de fond – bleu 9′ x 35′                                                       ?/ don
Presque neuf Nikon Z7 ii avec objectif 24-70mm f4        4300$ + tx

Appareils et autres
Téléviseur n/b 5″ portable AC/DC                     20$
Petit téléviseur n/b Zenith                                    20$
Plaque chauffante – 2 brûleurs                           10$
Plaque chauffante – 1 brûleur                               8$
2 x 40″ pinces à bois                                               10$  chacune
Table en métal sur roulettes                                 45$
Table ronde en bois                                                  35$
Climatiseur                                                                65$
Petite étagère en bois                                              5$
Petite armoire roulante en bois                           10$
Chaises pliantes en métal ?/                                Don
Classeur 2 tiroirs récemment peint                  20$
Pompe pour pulvérisateur agricole                   10$
Seau en acier inoxydable (15 litres)                   15$
Sac de réservoir de moto                                         25$  
Moto Honda CBF1000F/A 2012 37 000 km      6200$
Fournitures artistiques
8 rouleaux de ficelle de coton rouge                   15 $ pour tous
3 x 250′ de corde Vectran (corde de parachute) (400 lb ) 20$ chacun
Matériel de calligraphie japonaise (shuji) : papier, encres, pierres         25$
Moules pour la fabrication du papier              10$  chacun
Broche en bois Ashford                                          20$
Feuilles de papier faites à la main                      négociables
et bien d’autres choses encore !Mortgage renewal! City Tax increases!
Produit Rien is FUNDRAISING!!March 17, 5 – 7 pm
March 18 and 19, 1 pm to 6 pm

PRODUIT RIEN, 6909 rue Marconi, Montréal, QC  H2S 3K2

March 2023 Studio Sale – Prices approximate and possibly negotiable

e-transfer, cash and square pay accepted

A few examples:

Artworks Karen Trask
Small framed works    (8 x 10” to 11×14” approx)                             $100- $150
framed works (16x 20” to 24 x 36”)                                                  $350                           
Unframed prints                                                                                 $150 – $200
Test prints                                                                                           $10 – $20
Selection of works to give away                                                         ?/Donation 

Artworks Paul Litherland
Woman, Rock, Dog, 2006                                                                  $295
Aztec Cup, 2006                                                                                 $295
Self Portrait as Wolf, 2006                                                                  $295
Diesel Queen, 1993 / 2006 framed                                                    $395
B-Side Ellen Gallery Series 2014                                                       $75 – $250
B-Side Agnes Etherington Series 2019                                              $200 – $600
Unframed photos 30 x 40 on matte vinyl                                            $50
Unframed photos 16 x 20 on cotton rag                                              $50
Unframed paintings 24 x 36                                                                 $125
Random 8x 10 prints                                                                            $10
 Photography gear
Nikon F100 film camera – film advance not working                        $25
2 Smith Victor tungsten lights with reflectors and bulbs                   $30
Photography umbrellas                                                                    $0-10
Small camera bag                                                                             $4
Photo Light Box for photographing jewellery etc                              $25
Backdrop paper – blue 9’ x 35’                                                         ?/ donation
Almost new Nikon Z7 ii w 24-70mm f4 lens                                       $4300 + tx
Appliances and other 
AC/DC portable  5” b/w television                                                     $20
Small b/w Zenith television                                                                $20
Hot plate – 2 burner                                                                           $10
Hot plate – 1 burner   `                                                                       $8
2 x 40” wood clamps                                                                          $10 each
Metal table on wheels                                                                        $45
Round wooden table                                                                          $35
Air conditioner                                                                                    $65
Small wooden shelf                                                                            $5
Small wooden rolling cabinet                                                             $10
Folding metal chairs                                                                           ?/ Donation
2 drawer filing cabinet recently painted                                              $20
Pump agricultural sprayer                                                                  $10
Stainless steel pail (15 litres)                                                              $15
Motorcycle tank bag                                                                           $25    
2012 Honda CBF1000F/A motorcycle 37,000 km                             $6200
Art supplies
8 rolls of red cotton twine                                                                   $15 for all
3 rolls 250’ Vectran cord (parachute cord) (400 lb strength)              $20 each
Japanese calligraphy (shuji) supplies: paper, inks, stones                 $25
Papermaking molds                                                                            $10 each
Ashford wooden drop spindle                                                             $20
Handmade paper sheets                                                                     negotiable
and much more!Produit Rien

PRODUIT RIEN – 6909 Rue Marconi, Montréal